How to Grow Your Email List and Use An Email Verifier to Keep It Clean
Let us guess: if you’re an email marketer, one of your goals is to grow your email list. Whether you’ve just started one or you’ve had it for years, you want to reach as many people in your target audience as possible. So how do you do that? Some of your tactics may already be yielding results, but there’s always room for improvement.
That’s why we gathered for you some of the best techniques to grow your email list and we’re sharing them with you today!
Also, we’re going to talk about how an email verifier helps you maintain your email hygiene and achieve better email marketing results.
How to grow your email list

Make your signup form visible
Place your opt-in form in a spot that is visible to your visitors. You can’t expect them to sign up for your newsletter if they don’t even know you have one.
So, rule number one when you want to grow your email list: communicate about it.
People’s attention span on the Internet is decreasing year by year. That means they scroll down your website for a few seconds, and if there’s nothing there that catches their eye, you’ll lose potential subscribers.
So make sure you place your opt-in form at the top of your homepage.
You should even add it in a few more places on your website.
For example, you could place it on your sidebar, in your navigation menu, in your “About” section and below all of your blog posts. People are more likely to subscribe right after they read a great piece of content.

Offer them something great in exchange for their email address
Sure, it’s important that people see your opt-in form, but that may not be enough to get them to subscribe.
There are so many companies out there that are sending newsletters and everyone is so swamped with marketing offers. As a result, we’ve become reluctant in giving out our email address.
So, to grow your email list, give people a good reason to subscribe. Offer them something great in exchange for their email address.
There are all kinds of incentives you can come up with, depending on the type of business you run. For instance, you could try
- a discount coupon
- free samples of your most popular product
- a useful article or infographic
- an ebook
- free access to a webinar.
Identify what people love about your brand and tailor a gift related to that, which you can offer the moment they sign up on your email list.
Related: How to find someone’s email address

Use your social media to leverage your email list
Let’s say you’ve worked hard to grow a responsive community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Keep in mind that people gathered around your brand for a reason: they like you.
So, if they like you enough to follow you on different social media platforms, chances are they are going to want to keep in touch with you through your newsletter. Just let them know you have one.
Promote it on social media once a week (more often than that would probably drive your audience away).
Apart from that, create a call-to-action post on Facebook, pin it at the top of your page and leave it there for a while.
Then, use the sign up button on Facebook and link it to your opt-in form. It’s one of the easiest way to grow your email list.
Make the most of the results you’ve accomplished in social media so far and capitalize on the trust people invested you with.

Essential: verify your email list
Growing your email list is crucial for the success of your business, so wanting to have as many subscribers as possible is only natural. A list of 20,000 people sounds great, but only chasing high numbers is not going to take you very far.
Because while the number of the accounts you gather might make you happy, their validity is more important.
How many of those 10,000 email addresses are real? You can’t determine that yourself, but there’s a fantastic tool that does that for you. Within minutes!
ZeroBounce is the most advanced email verifier on the market.
Not only will it analyze your entire list and weed out the bad accounts that ended up there. But, it will also give you valuable details about the people who subscribed to your newsletter.
You can learn their:
- first and last name
- location
- the age of the email address.
Then, you can use that information to create better campaigns — personalization and targeting are essential in email marketing.
Starting with ZeroBounce is easy. You can sign up in less than a minute and verify 100 email addresses for free, every month.
This article was updated in September 2019.