ZeroBounce Tech News, March 2024: Try Out LinkedIn and Klaviyo Integrations
As we close out Q1 2024, we’re excited to share some of our most highly-requested new features!
Check out what’s new this month!
Klaviyo integration – Available by popular demand
You requested it – now the wait is over!
Import your contact lists for validation and Scoring. Plus – automate your list cleaning with our latest Scheduling feature.
Email Finder for LinkedIn – Start searching now!
Find new, valid business emails and make new connections on LinkedIn!
Learn how you can use ZeroBounce to quickly find valid emails for your LinkedIn contacts!
New, convenient payment methods
To make ZeroBounce more accessible, you can now access ZeroBounce services with expanded payment options, including:
?Apple Pay
?Google Pay
?Cash App
?WeChat Pay
Plus – we now support 135 global currencies for Pay-As-You-Go services. The currency will default to the option relevant to your location.
Check out the full list of supported currencies here!
Validation enhancements for more providers
Starting now – get more accurate, reliable validation results for email addresses that use providers like Verizon and Orange (France).
Also – you’ll see faster processing and results when uploading large files thanks to our latest improvements. Test it out now!
Email Finder – accuracy and speed enhancements
Thanks to a revolutionary enhancement, you can enjoy Email Finder with its speediest, most precise version to date.
Try Email Finder with your free monthly queries, and see how it’s become a leading email-finding solution.
Coming very soon – A new validation solution
Some email providers continue to make it exceptionally challenging to validate their accounts. But we found a way to get accurate results for you.
Be on the lookout for the imminent announcement of our new email validation product – available at no cost!
We can’t wait to share the new services that are in store! You can also submit your feature requests here!