Email Finder

Email Finder allows you to search for new business email addresses using our proprietary technologies.

Important Note - Email Finder searches are performed in real-time and do not utilize stored or processed customer data. Customer privacy and security is, and will always remain our top priority.

Email Finder offers two types of searches:

  • Email Address Search - Identifies and validates a person’s primary email address
  • Domain Search - Detects possible email address patterns used by a domain/company

Follow these steps to begin your next search.

Email Finder search

Before you begin, ensure you have an active ZeroBounce subscription to perform your search.

Each search will consume 1 query or 20 credits per successful result.

  1. Access Email Finder using the left-side navigation.
  2. Ensure that you’re on the tab that reads “Email Finder.” You should land here by default.
  3. Enter a name and domain in the corresponding fields.

    Note that a name is required. You may provide a first name, last name, or both.

    You must also provide a domain name. Most will use their company name as their email domain for business purposes, making it an ideal place to begin your search.

  4. Click Find Emails.

Your search will yield one of three possible results:

  • Format found
  • Example_Results
  • Format unknown & no failure reason returned -
    • The domain is identified as a spam trap
    • The domain is identified in the global suppression list
    • The domain contains a possible typo
    • The domain does not have DNS entries
    • The domain contains an unroutable IP address
    • The domain is disposable
    • The name parts provided are role-based

In this scenario, only 1 credit will be deducted from your account.

  • Format unknown & failure reason returned
    • The email domain is not accepted by the free account
    • The email is role-based, and role-based filtering is active in your account.
    • The email format could not be found, or the engine could not identify it within the respective database.
    • The domain does not accept emails
    • Other unexpected error

Zero credits or queries will be deducted from your account if you receive this failure message.

Below the result, you will also find possible address variations using the name and domain you provided.

Alongside these patterns is an overall confidence score.

The confidence score indicates the likelihood that the email address pattern is in use. Email Finder uses the following confidence scores:

  • High confidence - Highest level of confidence; the format is likely in use based on validation results
  • Medium confidence - Medium level of confidence; it is possible the format is used
  • Low confidence - Unlikely to be in use and a high risk
  • Unknown - See the above section regarding possible reasons for an unknown result

Domain search

Domain search is functionally similar to address inquiry but instead attempts to detect possible patterns a specific company uses.

Domain search only requires the domain name – no first or last name is necessary.


After clicking Search, Email Finder will search in real-time for the most probable email address patterns used by the company.


Your results will include a list of the most common patterns used by the domain, along with a confidence score.

For example:

  • Result - - High confidence
  • Probable email address -

You can use detected patterns to help you approximate the correct email for a specific person you’re attempting to contact at a business.

The confidence score indicates the likelihood that the email address pattern is in use. Email Finder uses the following confidence scores:

  • High confidence - Highest level of confidence; the format is likely in use based on validation results
  • Medium confidence - Medium level of confidence; it is possible the format is used
  • Low confidence - Unlikely to be in use and a high risk
  • Unknown - See the above section regarding possible reasons for an unknown result

Finally, an error will occur if you need more credits or Email Finder queries on your account. If you receive this error, update your account to have at least 20 credits per successful result or upgrade your monthly subscription to a plan that provides additional queries.

Using Email Finder, you can boost your email marketing by strengthening your lead-generation process.

Previously, you would need to use another service to search for emails, then bring them to use for validation. Now, you can search for new business email addresses and validate them with a single process.