Test our email validator
Find out how ZeroBounce delivers better bulk email list verification with 99% accurate results. Upload a CSV or TXT file, and ZeroBounce will evaluate your list for free.
While this is a free public service, there are limitations in place to ensure that once you evaluate the list, you also validate it over ZeroBounce. The List Evaluator public API is available for unlimited use to those who spend credits validating with us.
Using the List Evaluator API endpoint provides results in real time and enables you to get an overview of your email list health before submitting the list via our comprehensive email validation. The results are returned in percentages and a minimum of 100 emails need to be submitted for evaluation.
Here’s how the process works:

Start by sending your email list to the List Evaluator API endpoint (as shown in the above graphic as well as the text below).
Please replace your_api_key with your API key from your account.
You can find your ZeroBounce API key by visiting the API settings from your dashboard. You may also create a new API key if necessary. If you’re uncertain about how to interact with our API, please refer to our expanded API documentation.
Once we complete your free list evaluation, we’ll send a response advising you of the percentage of risky emails on your list. If your estimated bounce rate is low, you can end the process there and save your credits for your next cleaning.
If the estimated email bounce rate is high, you can immediately direct your list to the email validator API endpoint for validation.
This improved workflow provides you with more insights about your email list so that you can make more effective use of your email validation credits.
If you need guidance on using the API, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our 24/7 customer support team.
API Endpoint:
POST https://bulkapi.zerobounce.net/v2/listevaluator/
The Body content type needs to be multipart/form-data.
Body Data
- ParameterDescription
- filecsv or txt file. Byte array contents for the submitted file. The content's header is type of "text/csv". (Required)
- api_keyYour API Key, found in your account. (Required)
- email_address_columnThe column index of the email address in the file. Index starts from 1. (Required)
Successful Response (Status Code: 201 CREATED)GET https://bulkapi.zerobounce.net/v2/listevaluator/<file_id>/?api_key=api_key
URL Query Params
- ParameterDescription
- file_idFile ID provided in the response from the POST request (Required)
- api_keyYour API Key, found in your account. (Required)
Successful Response (Status Code: 200 OK)# File is Processing
# File is Completed
POST https://bulkapi.zerobounce.net/v2/send-evaluated-file/
The Body content type needs to be multipart/form-data.
Body Data
- ParameterDescription
- filecsv or txt file. Byte array contents for the submitted file. The content's header is type of "text/csv". (Required)
- api_keyYour API Key, found in your account. (Required)
Successful Response (Status Code: 201 CREATED)LIST EVALUATOR RATE LIMITS
Our list evaluator is a free service and it is subject to rate limits in proportion to the amount of credits purchased for your account. A minimum of 100 emails need to be submitted for evaluation.
Bad API key requests to https://bulkapi.zerobounce.net/v2/listevaluator/ 200 times in 1 hour will result in a temporary block for 1 hour.