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ZeroBounce + Capsumo

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Capsumo Zapier Integration

Capsumo helps improve conversions by giving you a better chance to understand your website visitors. This software platform allows you to capture lead data in real time, follow up with prospects and turn them into customers.
To make the most of Capsumo, though, you need to ensure the email addresses you collect are real and active. This is where ZeroBounce plays a critical role. Our email verification tool checks every email address with 99% accuracy to help you grow your list safely.
You’ll have peace of mind knowing that your contacts belong to real people that you can reach out to, nurture and convert. The ZeroBounce email verifier detects and rejects misspelled and other invalid emails, abuse, catch-all or role-based contacts, thus protecting your sender reputation and boosting your email deliverabilityA sender’s ability to reach the recipient’s inbox with their outgoing emails. It may also describe the ratio of emails delivered to the inbox vs. those sent to spam or blocked by the receiving server..
To learn more about how our service works, please visit our Documentation page below.
To get started with the ZeroBounce – Capsumo integration, please create a ZeroBounce account first. Starting one takes only minutes and it’s free! Plus, once you activate your account, you’ll get 100 email validation credits – for free – every month.
The credits allow you to test our email validator before you decide on a plan. Once you purchase more credits, you can use them whenever you want to validate or score your leads.
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Lead ConvertedTriggered when a lead converts
Lead AbandonmentTriggered when a lead abandons site