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ZeroBounce + JotForm

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JotForm Zapier Integration

With its powerful widgets and responsive editor, JotForm allows you to build forms for your business without having to create an account on the platform.
It integrates with some of the most popular platforms, such as PayPal, Salesforce and DropBox, and now, ZeroBounce! You can use our email verification system to collect clean, valuable data by installing the API on your forms.
With its lightning-fast response time, our API will verify all your new emails in seconds, preventing fake and invalid signups. The ZeroBounce real-time email checker will detect and reject:
  • misspelled and other invalid email addresses
  • known complainers that may end up labeling your emails as spam
  • role-based email addresses that have low value to your sales and marketing
  • temporary or disposable emails that will cause bounces
  • spam traps, which can damage your sender reputation and can get you blacklisted
  • emails associated with catch-all domains – we can score these so you can keep the valid ones!

Use Zapier to connect the API to your forms – visit the Documentation page below to learn how!
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Use this Zap


New SubmissionTriggers when a new submission has been added to a specific form.


Validate EmailValidates an email.