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ZeroBounce + MailJet

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MailJet Zapier Integration

With Mailjet you can send and track marketing, transactional and notification emails. It’s a great email solution that allows marketers and developers to work together in real time.
Only one thing can make an email marketing platform better, and that is a real-time email verifier API. Now, you can easily integrate that into your Mailjet workflows to ensure you’re gathering valid data from your subscribers.
With its 99% accuracy, the ZeroBounce real-time email verifier checks every email address before allowing it to be added to your list. It prevents typos, fake, catch-all, abuse and disposable emails – just to name a few!
To find out how to connect the ZeroBounce API to Mailjet, please read our Documentation page.
No ZeroBounce account? Don’t worry – you can have one in less than a minute. Just click on the “Get started for free” button!
Use this Zap


New SubscribeTriggers when a contact subscribes in a Mailjet contact list.
New Email EventTriggers when an event occurs with a Mailjet contact (supported events: email sent, opened, clicked, bounced, spam, blocked).
New UnsubscribeTriggers when a user unsubscribes from a certain contacts list.
New Parse API Inbound EmailTriggers when a new email is sent to your Parse API email address.


Send SMSSend an SMS to a number.
Subscribe Contact to Mailjet ListAdds a new Contact to your MailJet account and subscribes it to a specific Contact List.
Send Email Using a Mailjet TemplateSend an email through your Mailjet account using saved Mailjet email template. It can be customized with Contact Properties and Variables.
Send an Email Campaign to a ListSend an email campaign through your Mailjet account to a full contact list.
Validate EmailValidates an email.
Unsubscribe Contact From Mailjet ListUnsubscribes a Contact from a specific Contact List in your MailJet account.
Send Plain Text EmailSend an email through your Mailjet account with plain text content.
Update Contact PropertiesUpdate in real time the Contact Properties of a Contact in your Mailjet account. Useful with Mailjet Email Automation.
Send HTML EmailSend an email through your Mailjet account with HTML content.