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ZeroBounce + Microsoft Excel

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Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel Zapier Integration

When it comes to spreadsheets, nothing keeps you more organized than an Excel table. As a part of the Office ecosystem, Microsoft Excel has gained millions of users across the world. Are you using it, too?
If you are, the ZeroBounce – Microsoft Excel integration helps you ensure the data you’re collecting is accurate. Get instant, reliable email validation by integrating ZeroBounce into your Excel spreadsheets. Whether you use email for business communication or marketing purposes, knowing you work with real email addresses is vital.
Getting started with this integration is easy – click on the Documentation button below to learn the simple steps you need to follow.
You don’t have a ZeroBounce account yet? Start one now! It takes less than a minute, and the “Free for Life” account comes with 100 free email validation credits every month.
Use this Zap


New RowTriggers when a new row is added to a worksheet in a spreadsheet
Updated RowTriggers when a row is added or updated in a worksheet
New Row in TableTriggers when a new row is added to a table in a spreadsheet
New WorksheetTriggers when a new worksheet is added to a spreadsheet


Update RowUpdates a row in a specific worksheet
Add RowAdds a new row to the end of a worksheet
Validate EmailValidates an email
Add Row to TableAdds a new row to the end of a specific table