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ZeroBounce + Slack

ZeroBounce Imagen

Slack Zapier Integration

Looking for a real-time email checker you can integrate into your Slack workflows? Look no more – the ZeroBounce API will verify each email address you communicate with in real time.
Fake, invalid, abuse or temporary emails – they won’t stand a chance face to face with our powerful email checker API. By using ZeroBounce, you improve your email communication and overall relationships with your partners and collaborators.
Zapier helps you connect our email checker with your Slack account in a matter of minutes. Learn more by visiting our Documentation page.
Need a ZeroBounce account? Start one for free and get 100 email verification credits from us every month.
Use this Zap


New Starred MessageTriggers when you star a message.
New Message Posted to ChannelTriggers when a new message is posted to a specific #channel you choose.
New Public Message Posted AnywhereTriggers when a new message is posted to any public channel.
New ChannelTriggers whenever a new #channel is created.
New Pushed MessageTriggers when you click the "Push to Zapier" button from a message in Slack.
New MentionTriggers when a username or highlight word is mentioned in a public #channel.
New UserTriggers when a new Slack user is created / first joins your org.
New FileTriggers when a new file is uploaded to your workspace.
New Team Custom EmojiTriggers when a custom emoji has been added to a team.
New Reaction AddedTriggers when a reaction (aka ReactJS) is added to a message in a public #channel.
New Message Posted to Private ChannelTriggers when a new message is posted to a specific #private-channel or multi-dm.


Send Direct MessageSend a direct message to a user or yourself from the Slackbot.
Send Channel MessagePost a new message to a specific #channel you choose.
Add ReminderAdds a reminder for yourself or a teammate, just like the /remind slash command.
Validate EmailValidates an email.
Set Channel TopicSets the topic on a selected channel.
Invite New UserInvite a new User to your Slack workspace. Uses legacy tokens.
Set StatusSets your Slack status to the given text and emoji.
Update ProfileUpdate basic profile fields such as name or title.
Invite User To ChannelInvite an existing User to an existing Channel. You must be a member of the channel to invite someone to it.
Send Private Channel MessagePost a new message to a private channel you choose.
Create ChannelCreates a new channel.