ZeroBounce vs. lemwarm Email Warmup Comparison

Researching the best email warmup tools? Check out our lemwarm email warmup comparison with ZeroBounce to learn more about support, features, account limits, security, customer support, and more.

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A woman in a yellow shirt looks at a laptop with her male coworker and sees an Overall Inbox Score of 85%.

ZeroBounce vs. Lemwarm email warmup comparison overview

Here’s the quickest way to compare lemwarm and ZeroBounce. The table below provides a snapshot of each platform’s most up-to-date features. If you have questions regarding any of the areas below, scroll further down for a more detailed analysis.

SupportsZeroBounce-managed (automated) -
  • G-Suite
  • Office 365
  • Any inbox that supports SMTP
Self-managed (user sends the emails) -
  • Any inbox
Any inbox with SMTP
Account listings & daily limitsStarts at:

250 Warmup actions per day*

10 Accounts Replies are dynamically based on engagement rules and can go up to 35%

*A Warmup action is any action used to engage with sent emails positively. This includes opens, clicks, favorites, forwards, etc.
1 account
MethodsAutomated sending


Self-managed sending option

Emails sent to privately owned seed email accounts
Automated sending

Emails sent to other lemwarm users
Email content usedUser-provided email content for self-managed option

AI-generated content for ZeroBounce-managed option
Essential Plan - Human-like email content

Smart Plan - Personalized email content or provide your own templates
Schedule sendingDeliver emails whenever you prefer with the self-managed Warmup optionNo
Multiple languagesNoNo
Reporting dashboardYesYes
Placement & category monitoringYesYes
Authentication alignment trackingYesYes
Customizable engagement rulesYesYes
Deliverability checksYes, included with Toolkit (Inbox Placement Test - includes testing for 20+ domains)Free tests available with a public lemwarm domain/email address
Military-grade security and privacy complianceSOC 2 Type 2 certification
ISO-27001 certification
GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, and PCI compliance
Compliance with GDPR and other relevant data protection laws
24/7 customer supportYesNo
Cancel any timeYesYes

Latest comparison as of October 2024

Disclaimer: The third party's name is utilized for comparison purposes only and is the trademark of its respective owner. ZeroBounce claims no rights whatsoever in the use of such name and/or any related trademarks. ZeroBounce is not affiliated with the third party referenced on this page.

ZeroBounce is used and trusted by 400,000+ clients worldwide

Compare Lemwarm and ZeroBounce features

Both lemwarm and ZeroBounce provide some of the best email warmup tools available. But let’s take a closer look at how each platform warms up inboxes and improves email deliverability.

Which mailboxes are supported by lemwarm and ZeroBounce?

ZeroBounce - Connect any mailbox that uses SMTP

Lemwarm - Connect any mailbox that uses SMTP

Like most email warmup tools, both platforms will allow you to connect any mailbox or email service provider (ESP) that supports SMTP. That qualifier includes the most popular ESPs, including G-Suite, Outlook, Yahoo, and others.

In addition, both ZeroBounce and Lemwarm provide more direct account links to Gmail/G-Suite and Office 365/Outlook SSO.

Daily sending limits, email warmup actions, and account listings

Once your initial email warm-up setup is complete, both lemwarm and ZeroBounce begin an automated process that gradually builds the reputation of your attached mailbox. Both platforms achieve this by sending low volumes of emails and gradually increasing this number over time.

Let’s look at the limits provided by each platform based on their starting plans:

Team plan

ZeroBounce Imagen250Warmup actions per day

ZeroBounce Imagen10accounts/mailboxes

ZeroBounce ImagenIncludes AI-generated content based on your actual emails for the ZeroBounce-managed method. There is an option to use your actual email campaigns/templates with the Self-Managed method./mailboxes


Basic plan

ZeroBounce Imagen1email warmup

ZeroBounce ImagenFeatures recommended sending limits based on your warmup account duration. Essential plan uses generalized content.

The key distinction between lemwarm and ZeroBounce is that the latter features plan limits based on actual actions performed. While general sending can yield positive results for email warm-up, it’s actions (opens, clicks, favorites, forwards, marking emails safe) that ultimately have a significant impact on domain reputation. ZeroBounce charges on actual actions performed, not just sent emails.

However, lemwarm features no real sending limits and will provide guidelines on how many daily and weekly emails you should send based on your current progress.

Lastly, the type of content used in each platform’s email warm-up processes matters. It's critical to use emails that are personal to your company to ensure that your warm-up emails look and feel authentic.

To obtain personalized email content for use with lemwarm, you’ll need to upgrade to their Smart plan. Comparatively, ZeroBounce only uses your real email content or content generated to simulate your actual email style and patterns.

Important note about where your warm-up emails go

ZeroBounce owns all of its seed email addresses and does not send or share your email content with any other users.


lemwarm completes your email warm-up process by sharing your warm-up emails with its community of users. Those messages are sent to other user domains and vice versa.

Email scheduling

To ensure the email warm-up process is as effective as possible, it’s recommended that the tool adjust email sending as necessary. Factors such as domain age, reputation, and certain deliverability risk factors can prompt the need to adjust sending volume over time.

Let’s compare lemwarm and ZeroBounce to see how they handle scheduling and recommended sending volume:

ZeroBounce ImagenYou can adjust your sending limits at any time. ZeroBounce will also auto-adjust your sending activity based on your current Warmup performance.

ZeroBounce ImagenRegarding scheduling, you can manage all of your email warm-up activity by selecting the self-managed option. We’ll provide our list of seeds, and you can send your real email campaigns at your desired times, just like you would with a real email campaign.


ZeroBounce ImagenYou can customize daily sending limits and increase the incremental volume at any time. You will also receive a notification of any issues that recommend a manual adjustment in your sending volume. However, you cannot adjust when those emails are sent.

ZeroBounce vs lemwarm: warmup reporting dashboards

lemwarm and ZeroBounce feature fully-featured email warmup reporting dashboards that provide specific details about your performance. This list of features includes the following:

ZeroBounce ImagenOverall inbox score (percentage of emails in the inbox vs. other folders)

ZeroBounce ImagenLifetime inbox score improvement

ZeroBounce ImagenSummary of today’s Warmup activity and last run

ZeroBounce ImagenTracks where every email you send lands (inbox, promotions, or spam

ZeroBounce ImagenTrack emails sent today

ZeroBounce ImagenAll-time Warmup summary

ZeroBounce ImagenCustomizable reporting & date adjustment

ZeroBounce ImagenEmail authentication alignment tracker for SPF, DKIM, and DMARC

Also included in your toolkit package featuring Warmup

ZeroBounce ImagenBlacklist monitoring

ZeroBounce ImagenDMARC monitoring


ZeroBounce ImagenYour overall deliverability score

ZeroBounce ImagenPersonalized feedback and tips based on sending activity and current score

ZeroBounce ImagenYour total sent emails

ZeroBounce ImagenTotal emails saved from spam

ZeroBounce ImagenCategories for where each of your warmup emails land

ZeroBounce ImagenDNS and alignment checks

You can also customize the reporting period at any time.

Customizable engagement rules

ZeroBounce and lemwarm allow you to adjust how you manage email warm-up at any time with minor differences.

During ZeroBounce’s initial Warmup setup, you’ll be able to choose from a list of recommended sending and engagement rules based on your desired goal (build reputation, repair, boost, etc.). These categories are recommendations that can be adjusted at any time based on your current performance. Warmup will also auto-adjust activity and send as needed.

Similarly, lemwarm provides recommendations regarding how many warmup emails you should send that day or for the week based on past activity and performance. You can adjust these numbers at any time.

Email deliverability checks for campaigns

As the email warm-up service progresses, you’ll still need to send your standard email campaigns to your audience. Based on your current warm-up progress, you’ll likely want to know where your email will land.

Here’s how lemwarm and ZeroBounce can help you in this area:

ZeroBounce’s email deliverability toolkit includes Warmup and five additional tools, including the Inbox Placement Tester.

This tool allows you to send your email campaign to 20+ different mail providers, including Google, Yahoo, and others, to determine how your campaign will perform. Each of these providers has their own way of analyzing processed emails as well as different anti-spam technologies. The Inbox Placement Test will tell you how your campaign performs with each of these providers so that you can adjust your campaign as needed.


lemwarm provides a publicly available email deliverability test. This test uses a single email account found on the lemwarm domain and provides a technical check-up as well as a content check to see if your email triggers spam filters.

Does ZeroBounce have access to read my emails?

Any email warmup service will read the emails sent to the privately-owned seed email addresses, so that they can perform realistic, authentic behaviors.

However, ZeroBounce doesn’t read any emails found in the connected inbox. The company maintains strict adherence to security and privacy regulations to protect your data.

Security & compliance

Whether you’re a small business or a global enterprise, your company’s security and your customers' privacy rights are paramount. As a result, security and privacy are top priorities for ZeroBounce.


ZeroBounce ImagenLemwarm’s exact security specifications are undisclosed. However, according to the Privacy Policy listed on their website, they are compliant with GDPR and other relevant data protection regulations.

Use case scenarios

Who can benefit from the best email warmup tools? Any business that sends emails, especially if you have other professionals outside of your marketing team using email for outreach.

Sales teams and outreach specialists

If you don’t know any better, your business is likely sending all of its emails from the same domain (the primary business domain). The problem with this is that everyone’s activity, including the bad practices, impacts your email deliverability. Unfortunately, those most commonly come from the non-marketers.

If you’re in sales or outreach, regularly add huge lists of new contacts without verifying them, and send a high volume of emails, you need email warm-up.

While it’s still critical to get everyone on board with best practices (cleaning new leads, sending from subdomains when applicable), an email warm-up service can mitigate the damage by generating consistent positive email engagement over time.

Warm up business domains and subdomains

To avoid email deliverability damage to your main business domain and try new things, create subdomains for your different teams and use cases.

However, new domains lack a reputation and need a way to get up to speed. You can achieve this by warming them up.

Email Warmup is an excellent way to help your team quickly set up new subdomains so that your sales, BDR, and cold outreach emails will actually reach prospects instead of going directly to spam.

Email marketers and marketing specialists

Whether you opt for lemwarm, ZeroBounce, or any other lemwarm alternatives, email warm-up is now considered an essential part of the marketing and outreach process.

Even if you follow all of the best practices; validate your new leads, segment audiences, use different subdomains, and request users to opt-in, you’re still going to encounter problems. People will report you as spam for no reason, errors will cause emails to bounce, and more issues will arise that you’ll need to troubleshoot fast.

Continuously warming your email domain allows you to continue your email marketing program with peace of mind. The positive engagement you receive daily is a healthy counterbalance to the errors you may face and some of the unwarranted treatment you’ll get readers that you’re legally allowed to send to.

Try ZeroBounce for email warmup

If you’re searching for Warmup Inbox alternatives, look no further.

Get started with ZeroBounce’s email Warmup tool with the Team Email Deliverability Toolkit, featuring email warmup and five additional essential email deliverability tools:

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ZeroBounce se ha convertido en el Mejor ROI Estimado para Pequeñas Empresas con G2 en la categoría de Verificación de Correos Electrónicos para el Invierno de 2025.
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ZeroBounce ha sido reconocido como un Alto Desempeño en la categoría empresarial por G2 para el Invierno de 2025.
ZeroBounce es un Alto Desempeño en Pequeñas Empresas en la categoría de Verificación de Correos Electrónicos con G2 para el Invierno de 2025.
ZeroBounce es un Líder en Europa en la categoría de Verificación de Correos Electrónicos con G2 para el Invierno de 2025.
ZeroBounce es un Líder en Pequeñas Empresas en India en la categoría de Verificación de Correos Electrónicos con G2 para el Invierno de 2025.
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Frequently asked questions

lemwarm is an email warmup service provided by lemlist that provides monthly domain reputation improvement for one account. Comparatively, ZeroBounce provides email warm-up as a part of its full email deliverability package, which includes essentials like DMARC, blacklist monitoring, and testing. Both platforms provide a fully automated email warm-up service.

lemwarm supports any mailbox provider that allows an SMTP connection.

lemwarm provides users with a reporting dashboard that includes details on your deliverability score, total sent emails, and where your sent emails land by folder. Your dashboard will also provide notifications and recommendations on how you can adjust the warm-up process based on your current sending volume and performance.

Yes, lemwarm and most email warm-up services use AI to assist with creating your warm-up emails. However, you can personalize your warm-up emails when you upgrade to lemwarm’s Smart plan.

Yes. There are no contracts with lemwarm, and you’re never locked into your current email warm-up plan.