ZeroBounce vs. Warmup Inbox

Looking for the best email warmup service? Check out this email warmup tool comparison of ZeroBounce vs. Warmup Inbox to determine which platform offers the features your company requires.

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A woman in a yellow shirt looks at a laptop with her male coworker and sees an Overall Inbox Score of 85%.

ZeroBounce vs. Warmup Inbox email warmup comparison overview

Here’s a quick snapshot of features for both platforms, including supported inboxes, features, customization options, security, and customer support.

Warmup Inbox
SupportsZeroBounce-managed (automated) -
  • G-Suite
  • Office 365
  • Any inbox that supports SMTP
Self-managed (user sends the emails) -
  • Any inbox
Any inbox with SMTP
Account listings & daily limitsStarts at:

250 Warmup actions per day*

10 Accounts Replies are dynamically based on engagement rules and can go up to 35%

*A Warmup action is any action used to engage with sent emails positively. This includes opens, clicks, favorites, forwards, etc.
Starts at:

75 messages per day

Replies to sent emails up to 25%
MethodsAutomated sending


Self-managed sending option

Emails sent to privately owned seed email accounts
Automated sending using a customer network
Email content usedUser-provided email content for self-managed option

AI-generated content for ZeroBounce-managed option
User-provided email content or AI-generated content
Schedule sendingDeliver emails whenever you prefer with the self-managed Warmup optionPro plan and above
Multiple languagesNoPro plan and above
Reporting dashboardYesYes
Placement & category monitoringYesYes
Authentication alignment trackingYesYes
Customizable engagement rulesYesNo
Deliverability checksYes, included with Toolkit (Inbox Placement Test - includes testing for 20+ domains)Yes
Military-grade security and privacy complianceSOC 2 Type 2 certification
ISO-27001 certification
GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, and PCI compliance
Compliance with GDPR and other relevant data protection laws
24/7 customer supportYesPro plan and above includes Priority Support
Cancel any timeYesYes

Latest comparison as of January 2025

The third party's name is utilized for comparison purposes only and is the trademark of its respective owner. ZeroBounce claims no rights whatsoever in the use of such name and/or any related trademarks. ZeroBounce is not affiliated with the third party referenced on this page.

ZeroBounce is used and trusted by 400,000+ clients worldwide

Compare Warmup Inbox and ZeroBounce features

Both Warmup Inbox and ZeroBounce feature relatively similar email warmup tools. However, here’s some insight into what these features are, why they’re essential, and what’s right for your needs.

Which mailboxes are supported?

ZeroBounce - Connect any inbox that uses SMTP

Warmup Inbox - Connect any inbox that uses SMTP

Both ZeroBounce and Warmup Inbox allow you to warm accounts for any mail account that supports SMTP. Examples of supported platforms include:

  • G-Suite
  • Office 365 / Outlook
  • Yahoo Mail
  • AOL
  • AWS

Most, if not all, major mailbox providers support SMTP. Be sure to check with yours before committing to an email warmup service.

Daily sending limits, email warmup actions, and account listings

After connecting your mailbox, your warmup tool will begin sending emails to warm up your mailbox and domain. However, your account's limits determine the rate at which this process can yield a positive impact.

Here’s a closer look at how ZeroBounce and Warmup Inbox determine their limits by plan:

Team plan

ZeroBounce Imagen250Warmup actions per day

ZeroBounce Imagen10Warmup listings

Warmup Inbox

Basic plan

ZeroBounce Imagen75messages sent daily

ZeroBounce ImagenReplies to your messages up to 25% of the time

A key distinction here is that the two platforms measure your Warmup activity differently.

ZeroBounce focuses on actions, which are the actual activities used to yield positive engagement and improve your domain reputation. These actions are guaranteed and will adjust automatically based on your current performance. They also strive to emulate realistic behavior exhibited by your real subscribers.

Warmup Inbox offers plans with daily sending limits. However, not all of these email messages will receive interaction as per their service description. Similarly to ZeroBounce, it strives to auto-adjust and warm up your mailbox naturally.

Finally, ZeroBounce allows you to share these daily actions across up to 10 different accounts. Warmup Inbox’s daily messages are for just one listing.

Take a closer look at ZeroBounce’s Warmup process to see how it compares to Warmup Inbox

Check out Warmup
An over the shoulder shot of hands typing on a laptop that shows the email warmup dashboard on screen.

Email scheduling

Most email warmup tools use AI to intelligently determine the best times to send emails from your account. However, advanced users may want greater control over the process.

Here’s how ZeroBounce compares to Warmup Inbox for this feature:

Warmup includes a self-managed option. By choosing this, you’ll be given a list of seed email addresses. You can then send your real email campaigns and templates to these addresses at your normal or preferred time. Scheduling is entirely in your control.

Warmup Inbox

For basic users, Warmup Inbox automates the email warmup process, including scheduling, for you. However, if you upgrade to their Pro plan or higher, you’ll receive greater customization options in terms of how you send emails.

Warmup reporting dashboard

For the best email warmup service, you need a comprehensive reporting dashboard that tracks your domain improvements.

Compare Warmup Inbox and ZeroBounce’s reporting features below:

ZeroBounce ImagenOverall inbox score (percentage of emails in the inbox vs. other folders)

ZeroBounce ImagenLifetime inbox score improvement

ZeroBounce ImagenSummary of today’s Warmup activity and last run

ZeroBounce ImagenTracks where every email you send lands (inbox, promotions, or spam

ZeroBounce ImagenTrack emails sent today

ZeroBounce ImagenAll-time Warmup summary

ZeroBounce ImagenCustomizable reporting & date adjustment

ZeroBounce ImagenEmail authentication alignment tracker for SPF, DKIM, and DMARC

Also included in your toolkit package featuring Warmup

ZeroBounce ImagenBlacklist monitoring

ZeroBounce ImagenDMARC monitoring

Warmup Inbox

ZeroBounce ImagenSender reputation monitoring

ZeroBounce ImagenBlacklist monitoring

ZeroBounce ImagenTrack which emails go to inbox and go to spam

ZeroBounce ImagenAlerts when your score drops below a certain point

Customizable engagement rules

Warmup Inbox provides a straightforward email warmup process by automatically handling it. This includes tracking your reputation and adjusting your sending activity based on performance. If your score dips below a certain point, it will alert you so that you can manually pause.

However, if you’re interested in Warmup Inbox alternatives with a bit more customization for different use cases, consider ZeroBounce’s Warmup features:

Select from a variety of sending and engagement patterns: Slower pace, domain repair, reputation boost, and protection. You can customize your warmup process based on the age of your domain, your current reputation, and how you want to strategize.

Adjust your rules as needed: While it’s recommended to use the ZeroBounce-managed method and allow the warmup process to proceed naturally, advanced users can adjust rules at any time.

Email deliverability checks

Email warmup is all about enhancing your email deliverability. But you may be curious if your email content is successfully reaching the inbox now or going straight to spam. That’s when you need a way to test your email address deliverability as it stands now.

Let’s look at ZeroBounce vs. Warmup Inbox for deliverability checks:

ZeroBounce ImagenInbox Placement Tester is included with your toolkit

ZeroBounce ImagenCheck your email campaign against 20+ well-known mailbox providers

ZeroBounce ImagenFind out if your email goes to the inbox, spam, or promotions

ZeroBounce ImagenGet a diagnosis of errors and how to fix them

Warmup Inbox

ZeroBounce ImagenFeatures a free placement tester with publicly available addresses

Does ZeroBounce have access to read my emails?

Any email warmup service will read the emails sent to the privately-owned seed email addresses, so that they can perform realistic, authentic behaviors.

However, ZeroBounce doesn’t read any emails found in the connected inbox. The company maintains strict adherence to security and privacy regulations to protect your data.

Security & compliance

Any time you share business data, especially if you share access to your business mailboxes, security and compliance are crucial.

When considering the best email warmup service, look closely at the methods and protocols used to ensure your data is secured and protected from threats at all times.

Here’s a rundown of how security and compliance differ between ZeroBounce and Warmup Inbox:

Warmup Inbox

ZeroBounce ImagenWarmup Inbox’s specific security practices are undisclosed. However, they are compliant with GDPR and other data protection regulations.

Use case scenarios

With a detailed email warmup tool comparison complete, here’s the critical question:

Who benefits from using an email warmup tool?

Every business benefits from email warmup, especially when you have a wide variety of persons and teams sending emails using the same domain and IP address. Let’s take a closer look.

Sales and outreach professionals

When developing Warmup, we reached out to a variety of professionals.

It's no surprise that email marketers were familiar with email warmups. And, of course, they always use the best practices.

However, people on the sales side typically don’t think in terms of email deliverability. Your sole focus is on growing your numbers and making the most out of that new lead list.

However, here’s the usual result:

  • Many of those email addresses are invalid, which causes high bounce rates
  • People who haven’t opted into your message report you as spam
  • Your email engagement is poor when compared to the sending volume
  • Your sender reputation declines, which impacts EVERYONE at your company looking to generate revenue with email

It’s also vital to communicate that email warmup isn’t meant to aid bad actors. If you’re guilty of these actions, you still need to clean your data and follow best practices. However, even lawful senders can acquire many spam complaints from abusers, so email warmup is always in your best interests.

Here’s the TLDR:

  • If you’re regularly adding hundreds (even thousands) of leads to your database
  • If you’re not validating those email addresses
  • If you’re experiencing high bounce rates
  • If you’re not getting the engagement you want

You need to warm up your email reputation to prevent further damage.

Warm up new business domains

Email warmup doesn’t just help with reputation damage; it actively builds your reputation in all cases. This process is particularly useful if you’re starting a new business or creating a new domain that hasn’t sent mass email communications before.

Every business and email domain has a sender reputation. Think of this like a credit score for your email activity. While you may not have bad credit, not having any credit also makes other parties less trusting of you. But as a new business, you need to leverage email communications to start generating revenue.

The TLDR - use email warm up if:

  • You just started a new business
  • You switched to a new email domain
  • You’re rapidly scaling the amount of emails you send to subscribers

Email marketers

While most email marketers are familiar with best practices, that doesn’t mean others aren’t impacting your reputation. You may have sales reps, BDRs, retention specialists, and so on, sending thousands of emails weekly.

If you’re the marketer doing everything right and testing their email campaigns and still facing low engagement, it can very likely be a reputation issue caused by your teammates. Hence, you can benefit from email warm up to counterbalance the damage.

Additionally, connect with the others on your team to educate them on the impact they have with their email behaviors. While email warmup is a necessary component to help you, ensuring everyone is doing their part to earn a better reputation is the key to long-term success.

Use email warmup if:

  • You’re looking to improve your email campaigns and drive more engagement
  • You want to maximize your inbox visibility and stay out of spam
  • You have other team members and departments that aren’t following best sending practices

Try ZeroBounce for email warmup

If you’re searching for Warmup Inbox alternatives, look no further.

Get started with ZeroBounce’s email Warmup tool with the Team Email Deliverability Toolkit, featuring email warmup and five additional essential email deliverability tools:

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ZeroBounce es un Líder en Pequeñas Empresas en la categoría de Verificación de Correos Electrónicos con G2 para el Invierno de 2025.
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ZeroBounce se ha convertido en el Mejor ROI Estimado para Pequeñas Empresas con G2 en la categoría de Verificación de Correos Electrónicos para el Invierno de 2025.
ZeroBounce tiene el Mejor ROI Estimado para el mercado medio en la categoría de Verificación de Correos Electrónicos con G2 para el Invierno de 2025.
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ZeroBounce es un Alto Desempeño en la categoría de Verificación de Correos Electrónicos con G2 para el Invierno de 2025.
ZeroBounce ha sido reconocido como un Alto Desempeño en la categoría empresarial por G2 para el Invierno de 2025.
ZeroBounce es un Alto Desempeño en Pequeñas Empresas en la categoría de Verificación de Correos Electrónicos con G2 para el Invierno de 2025.
ZeroBounce es un Líder en Europa en la categoría de Verificación de Correos Electrónicos con G2 para el Invierno de 2025.
ZeroBounce es un Líder en Pequeñas Empresas en India en la categoría de Verificación de Correos Electrónicos con G2 para el Invierno de 2025.
ZeroBounce es un Líder en Pequeñas Empresas en Asia Pacífico en la categoría de Verificación de Correos Electrónicos con G2 para el Invierno de 2025.
ZeroBounce ha obtenido la insignia "Los Usuarios Nos Aman" de G2 en la categoría de Verificación de Correos Electrónicos para el Invierno de 2025.

Don’t see an email warmup plan you like here?

Reach out to our sales team now,  and we’ll help set up the right package for you. 

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A woman in a white shirt talks to a customer using a hands-free headset.

Frequently asked questions

Warmup Inbox pricing begins at $19/month for one inbox, which includes up to 75 email warmup messages daily. If you wish to warm up more inboxes, you’ll need to pay for additional plans. If you require more email messages, you’ll need to upgrade to a higher subscription tier.

Warmup Inbox allows you to subscribe on a monthly basis per inbox with a set number of daily messages. The warmup tool will reply to these emails up to a set percentage of the time dictated by your plan. Comparatively, ZeroBounce plans begin with 10 mailbox listings and bases plans based upon daily actions rather than sent messages. This means that Warmup can continue scaling daily email sends without limit until it satisfies the recommended number of daily actions.

Yes. ZeroBounce and Warmup Inbox both charge for email warmup services monthly and allow users to cancel their subscription at any time.

Warmup Inbox supports email warmup for any mail provider that supports SMTP.

ZeroBounce’s email Warmup supports any mailbox provider that uses SMTP.