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ZeroBounce Ghost Integration- Ghost Email Validation

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Ghost is a powerful, modern tool for building a business website that attracts new leads and customers. But if you want to boost revenue, you need to know that your new signups are legitimate.

Harness the free ZeroBounce Ghost integration and automatically block bad data from making its way into your email database.

Verify emails in GhostFree account required.
All ZeroBounce users receive 100 credits monthly.

ZeroBounce Ghost integration features

99% accurate bulk email validation

ZeroBounce is one of the most accurate email validation tools available.

With the ability to detect more than 30 email address types, your Ghost email validation tool will automatically detect and block invalid, disposable emails, spam traps, spam complainers, and other high-risk contacts.

Swiftly import your Ghost email lists for cleaning. Or, turn on contact monitoring and automatically validate every new email address added to your Ghost contact list.

Catch-all Email Scoring

Catch-all emails are a common address type and may make up a large number of your Ghost email signups (sales@, management@, etc.).

The problem is that catch-alls are impossible to validate outright.

Enter ZeroBounce’s Email Scoring - available with your Ghost integration. After we import your Ghost email lists, you can score your catch-all email addresses using proprietary technology and grade them on a 1-10 scale.

These scores gauge recent inbox engagement, giving you key insights into which mailboxes have been abandoned and which might lead to your next sale.

Target active (and avoid inactive) subscribers

The ZeroBounce Ghost integration includes a third email targeting and segmentation tool - Activity Data.

When cleaning your email list, choose to add Activity Data to your Ghost website signups and learn if a contact has been active in the last 30, 60, 90, 180, 365, and 365+ days. The longer that an email address has been inactive, the more likely it is to be abandoned.

Use Activity Data to enhance your Ghost lead generation and find your most valuable prospects.

Custom results mapping

The Ghost email validation tool allows custom results mapping so that you can manage your data to your liking.

You don’t need to use ZeroBounce’s default results output format. Name your fields, select the desired related value, and save your preferences. You can also update your mapping at any time.

Scheduling and automation

Efficient Ghost content marketing is all about automating tasks where you can.

The ZeroBounce Ghost integration has easy-to-use scheduling settings for all of your imported Ghost email lists. Select the list, choose a validation or Scoring frequency, and let us do the rest.

How to validate emails in Ghost

Get started with Ghost email validation in three easy steps:

  1. Log in to your Ghost account and head over to settings. Under Advanced, create a new integration and get your API key and URL.

    The Ghost settings screen with arrows pointing to Integrations, Add custom integration.
  2. Log in to your ZeroBounce account (create one for free here). Under Integrations, click on Ghost and provide your API key.

    The ZeroBounce integrations dashboard with a red box and arrow pointing to the Ghost integration.
  3. Select the Ghost email list you want to validate or score. At this time, you can also customize the mapping of your results.

    The Real-Time Validation and Schedule Scoring & Validation menus for the ZeroBounce Ghost integration.

Setting up the ZeroBounce Ghost integration is simple. If you prefer a visual guide, check out the official Ghost integration documentation, available in our comprehensive help library.

Use the Ghost documentation

ZeroBounce Ghost integration benefits

Ghost is the modern solution for savvy content creators like you. However, content creation is all about attracting new fans, followers, and customers.

By connecting ZeroBounce with Ghost, you’ll enhance your Ghost website and blog with:

In-depth email insights for better targeting

Most built-in or scripted email validation tools merely handle syntax checks. Using a dedicated email validation platform like ZeroBounce allows you to automatically validate a large volume of incoming signups with 99% accuracy.

Plus, it doesn’t just sort valid and invalid emails. When possible, it provides all sorts of additional data, including names, gender, location, domain information, recent activity, and more.

Enhanced Ghost website security

If a visitor has an opportunity to enter data on your website, there’s always a security risk.

By integrating the ZeroBounce Ghost email validation tool, you get peace of mind knowing that your signup forms are protected from fake and even harmful data that can infect your database and jeopardize your business security.

Stronger brand recognition and customer visibility

When you send an email to your Ghost website visitors, it says “delivered.” But “delivered” doesn’t mean delivered to the inbox. That’s where everyone will look.

By validating new signups on your Ghost website or blog, you avoid invalid contacts that increase your email bounce rate. Use the integration to keep your bounce rate low, target active contacts for better engagement, and keep your email deliverability in top shape to reach the inbox.

Protect your website with Ghost email validation from ZeroBounce

A modern content management system needs more email deliverability tools. The ZeroBounce Ghost integration is yours today when you create a free ZeroBounce account.

Free ZeroBounce accounts include:

100 credits for email validation and Scoring

100 credits for email validation, email catch-all scoring, and Activity Data

10 Email Finder queries

10 Email Finder queries

1 Blacklist Monitor

1 Blacklist Monitor

1 Inbox placement test

1 Inbox placement test

1 Email server test

1 Email server test

Real-time email verification API

Real-time email verification API

Access to 40+ integrations

Access to 40+ integrations

Create a free accountCredits never expire.

Ghost email validation in 3 steps

Connect your Moosend API key to ZeroBounce

Get a new API key and URL from your Ghost account

Import your Moosend email lists

Add your API key and URL to your ZeroBounce account

Validate your Moosend email lists

Validate, Score, and add Activity Data to your Ghost email lists