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ZeroBounce Iterable Email Validation Integration

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Iterable users - don’t let your marketing communications get lost due to invalid contact details. Try the ZeroBounce Iterable integration now for 99% accurate Iterable email verification. Seamlessly sync your Iterable contacts, validate your contacts, and send back a clean list of valid contacts to avoid bounced email messages.

Try it free - create a ZeroBounce account today to get started!

Get the Iterable integrationGet 100 email validations monthly free
Credits never expire

Iterable integration features

Bulk email validation

Connect your Iterable account for efficient lead and email validation results. After connecting your Iterable API key, ZeroBounce automatically detects your email contacts and adds them to your dashboard for bulk email validation. Just click the button to validate, and we’ll notify you when your email list cleaning is complete.

Real-time email verification and contact monitoring

The best way to keep your database fresh is to block invalid contact data from the start. With the ZeroBounce Iterable integration, you can turn on Auto Validation and Contact Monitoring, which prompts our email validation tool to check new contacts as they’re added to your Iterable account. ZeroBounce can detect more than 30 email address types and tags your Iterable contacts accordingly.

Iterable Email Scoring

Enrich your Iterable contacts with ZeroBounce’s Email Scoring service. Score your email addresses on a scale of 0-10, representing the likelihood that a contact will engage with your communications based on past behaviors. Scoring is widely used for catch-all emails, giving you the insights you need to make educated decisions regarding your email outreach.

Find your most active Iterable leads

The ZeroBounce Iterable integration also includes our Activity Data service. Activity Data identifies useful information about your Iterable contacts, including:

  • When they were last active: 30, 60, 90, 180, 365, or 365+ days ago
  • Where they were active: their inbox or the web
  • What types of actions they take
  • How many of those actions they took

The Iterable integration enhances your database with the insights you need to target your most active leads.

Map your email validation results

Keep your database organized. During setup, you can adjust the Iterable integration and designate where you want your email validation results to go when syncing your account. You can also adjust how you want to map your results from your settings at any time.

Schedule your database cleaning

Your Iterable leads will not remain valid forever. Use the ZeroBounce Iterable integration’s scheduling feature to clean your database at set frequencies automatically. This will ensure that your contact lists stay fresh without any manual input.

Share Iterable contacts with other platforms

Does your team use multiple marketing tools? The ZeroBounce Iterable integration simplifies information sharing by allowing you to sync your validated Iterable contacts with other supported platforms. Check our official documentation for more details.

How to use the ZeroBounce Iterable integration

Get started with the Iterable integration in just a few steps. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • An Active Iterable account
  • A free ZeroBounce account

Then, follow these steps to connect your Iterable account:

  1. From your Iterable account, go to Integrations > API Keys.

    From your Iterable account, go to Integrations > API Keys.
  2. Name your new API key (e.g., ZeroBounce).

    Name your new API key (e.g., ZeroBounce).
  3. Select Server-side as the Type. Then, click Create API key.
  4. Go to your ZeroBounce dashboard and click Integrations.

    Go to your ZeroBounce dashboard and click Integrations.
  5. Click on Iterable, and enter your API key when prompted.

Allow your account to sync, and you’re all set! You can set up your custom mapping or begin validating your Iterable email addresses instantly.

For more information, check out the full ZeroBounce documentation.

View the docs

Iterable integration benefits

Reduce your email bounce rate

If you want your Iterable emails to perform reliably, you need to ensure they reach the customer's inbox. The ZeroBounce Iterable integration automatically validates newly added email addresses to help you detect typos, fake emails, and spam traps and keep your email bounce rate low.

Improve deliverability with Iterable sending

The higher your email bounce rate, the more likely you are to encounter deliverability issues. That means more of your messages are likely to go to the spam folder. While Iterable has a built-in feature to unsubscribe addresses that hard bounce, validating your contacts prior to sending will help you avoid hard bounces altogether.

Super engagement and ROI

Keeping a clean database is key to maximizing email deliverability and engagement. Proper hygiene practices will keep your business domain in good standing with internet service providers, making your Iterable communications more likely to reach customersThe act of successfully communicating with a customer or client via an email, text, or other mode of communication.. As a higher percentage of your emails reach the customer inbox, you’ll earn more engagement, conversions, and ROI.

Avoid temporary or permanent suspensions

Like most email service providers, Iterable can suspend your account if you engage in spammy email practices. These practices include buying email lists, sending emails to users without consent, and having a consistently high bounce rate. To keep your business in good standing, avoid uploading any purchased recycled lists and validate every contact before you send an email.

Get started with Iterable email verification free

If you want smoother Iterable marketing communications, create your free ZeroBounce account now to get started.

When you sign up, you’ll automatically get access to the Iterable integration, along with these monthly benefits:

100 credits for email validation and Scoring

100 credits for email validation and Scoring (credits never expire!)

10 Email Finder queries

10 Email Finder queries

1 Blacklist Monitor

1 Blacklist Monitor

1 Inbox Placement Test

1 Inbox Placement Test

1 Email Server Test

1 Email Server Test

Real-Time Email Verification API

Real-Time Email Verification API

Access to 60+ integrations

Access to 60+ integrations

Get the Iterable integration

Validate emails with Iterable now

Add your Iterable API key to ZeroBounce

Add your Iterable API key to ZeroBounce

Sync your Iterable email lists

Sync your Iterable email lists

Validate your contacts or turn on automatic email validation

Validate your contacts or turn on automatic email validation