About us

Meet the

We're Email Junkies!

A collection of photos featuring ZeroBounce team members next to an incoming email, a graph, and a green checkmark.
A collection of graphics, including a circle graph of validations for site subscribers, an email validation result summary, a valid email address for michael.scott@dundermifflin.com, and a headshot of a woman smiling.

What is ZeroBounce?

ZeroBounce empowers businesses with innovative technology to ensure unparalleled email deliverabilityA sender’s ability to reach the recipient’s inbox with their outgoing emails. It may also describe the ratio of emails delivered to the inbox vs. those sent to spam or blocked by the receiving server. and maintain a database of only valid records with valuable insights. Built by some of the most knowledgeable individuals in email, the ZeroBounce team harnesses decades of experience to provide the world’s best email validation system.