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Mailchimp ZeroBounce Integration

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Connect ZeroBounce to Mailchimp

We know you love Mailchimp. That’s why ZeroBounce partnered with the platform to help you clean your Mailchimp list and find real, valid email addresses.

Integrate the ZeroBounce email validation API to your Mailchimp mailing list to reduce email bounce rates and improve ROI. Send emails only to valid contacts in Mailchimp - get the free integration now!

Get 100 free monthly email verifications

Mailchimp ZeroBounce integration - key features

Verify email addresses in Mailchimp with our easy-to-implement Mailchimp email validation API integration. Plus, get immediate access to these key features:

The Mailchimp ZeroBounce integration acts as your Mailchimp email validation service.

This free tool allows you to import an audience from your Mailchimp account to ZeroBounce for quick email list cleaning. After the list is scrubbed, you can export the new, clean list directly back to your Mailchimp account.

All of your contacts receive one of seven tags so that you know exactly what’s on your list. Improve your Mailchimp email list hygiene by filtering out invalid email addresses and focusing on valid, real contacts.

Maintain a clean Mailchimp list by monitoring every new contact that enters your email list.

After setting up the ZeroBounce Mailchimp integration, head over to your settings, select your audience, and turn on Contact Monitoring. Real-time email verification in Mailchimp makes it easier than ever to block invalid, risky email addresses.

The official Mailchimp integration allows you to rapidly import and export email lists to and from your account. No need for extraneous downloads and uploads.

Want to simplify your cleaning and focus on ‘valid’ results only?

Just switch the ‘Valid Emails Only’ toggle, and the Mailchimp integration will automatically create a new email list in your Mailchimp account populated with ‘valid’ results from your latest email validation.

Keep your Mailchimp email database organized the way you like.

The Mailchimp ZeroBounce integration allows you to customize map fields as desired so that you can send your validation and Scoring results to the right location. You can also revisit your map settings and update them at any time.

Many of your leads might have the ‘catch-all’ status. Those addresses “catch” any emails sent to otherwise invalid emails on that company domain (e.g., support@company). The problem is that you can’t validate them.

With Email Scoring, you can use our proprietary technology and insights to score those addresses on a 1-10 scale. This number is awarded based on detected inbox engagement, making it more or less likely to be managed by a real employee.

Score your catch-alls with the Mailchimp integration, and find your next sales lead!

Don’t forget your next email list cleaning - schedule and set up your email verification for Mailchimp through your integration settings. This won’t stop you from cleaning when you want, and you can adjust your preferred schedule at any time.

Have a need to share your email contacts between different platforms or CRMs? ZeroBounce Mailchimp verification allows you to rapidly share your cleaned email lists between supported platforms.

ZeroBounce is continuously adding official integrations with the Sharing feature so that you can import and export your data easily between your favorite tools. Share the benefits of Mailchimp list quality enhancement with the additional marketing tools in your repertoire.

Benefits of Mailchimp email list cleaning

Keeping your Mailchimp list clean provides long-term benefits for you and your business.

Reduce Mailchimp bounce rate

Get rid of invalid, risky emails to avoid hard bounces. Validate emails in Mailchimp audiences to rapidly decrease your chances of messaging an invalid account. You’ll also prevent spam traps in Mailchimp effortlessly by identifying and filtering them out of your audience.

Improve Mailchimp deliverability

Using Mailchimp email best practices like validation, adjusting sending volume, and authenticating your emails will improve email deliverability in Mailchimp.

That means more of your emails will reach the inbox, keeping you connected with customers and out of spam.

Boost Mailchimp engagement

Increase Mailchimp open rates and clicks by reaching the inbox with regularity.

The best way to drive email engagement is by guaranteeing visibility in the inbox. Then, you can analyze your campaigns accurately and adjust your content for maximum effectiveness.

Stronger Mailchimp sender reputation

When you improve email deliverability in Mailchimp, you strengthen your company’s sender reputation. Internet service providers use sender reputation, also called sender score, to determine if your company is trustworthy.

When your sender reputation improves, you’re given trust and priority placement in the inbox over those companies with lower scores.

How to use the integration

Thanks to Mailchimp’s partnership, getting started with the integration is simple. Here’s what you’ll need to do:

  1. Sign in to your ZeroBounce account. If you don’t have one, you can create one for free! You’ll be able to test the integration and verify up to 100 emails monthly.
  2. Select Mailchimp from the list of available integrations, and sign in to your account. Once you authorize access, you’ll be ready to validate!Sign in to your ZeroBounce account. If you don’t have one, you can create one for free! You’ll be able to test the integration and verify up to 100 emails monthly.
  3. Pick the Mailchimp email list you want to clean and start verifying.Pick the Mailchimp email list you want to clean and start verifying.

For an in-depth look at how to set up and use the Mailchimp ZeroBounce integration, take a look at the official documentation.

Visit the docs

The No. 1 email validationA process that determines if an email address uses valid syntax, exists on a given domain, and is configured to receive incoming email messages service for 400,000+ clients

Get 99% accurate email verification for Mailchimp

Ensure you’re sending your Mailchimp campaigns to real contacts with the free Mailchimp ZeroBounce integration! All you need is a free account to get access to this tool, along with these free monthly benefits:

100 credits for email validation and Scoring

100 credits for email validation, Email Scoring and Activity Data (credits never expire!)

10 Email Finder queries

10 Email Finder queries

1 Blacklist Monitor

1 Blacklist Monitor

1 Inbox Placement Test

1 Inbox Placement Test

1 Email Server Test

1 Email Server Test

Real-Time Email Verification API

Real-Time Email Verification API

Access to 60+ integrations

Access to 60+ integrations (including Mailchimp!)

Try ZeroBounce freeCredits never expire. Benefits replenish monthly.

Mailchimp Zapier Integration

Use Zapier to integrate the ZeroBounce Email Validator API into MailChimp Seamlessly.
Use this Zap


New SubscriberTriggers when a new subscriber is added to an audience.
Updated SubscriberTriggers when a subscriber is added or updated in an audience.
New CampaignTriggers when a new campaign is created or sent.
New UnsubscriberTriggers when any current subscriber unsubscribes from an audience.
New Subscriber With TagTriggers when a subscriber is added to a Tag within an audience.
New AudienceTriggers when a new audience is added to your MailChimp accounts.


Add/Update SubscriberAdd a new subscriber to an audience of your choosing. Can be used to update an existing subscriber too.
Validate EmailValidates an email.
Unsubscribe EmailUnsubscribe an email address from an audience of your choosing.
Send CampaignSends a campaign draft. PLEASE NOTE: This action sends an email to everyone signed up to the Campaign. Are you trying to send an email to just one person? Set up an Automation within MailChimp and assign the welcome email to a tag. Then assign that tag to your customer with the Add Subscriber To Tag Action.
Create CampaignCreates a campaign draft.
Add Subscriber to TagAdd an email address to a tag within an audience. Note: the email address must already be subscribed to the audience, or this will fail.